No, not why I'm alive, but why I've made these life choices that have led me to where I am now. So let's start with the decision that was the easiest and most crucial: my faith.
A lot of people have really super inspirational stories about how they were doing hard drugs or they had gone through an abusive relationship when they found Christ. My story isn't nearly that intense or interesting. But I still consider myself very lucky. I decided to put my faith in Him the summer after 3rd grade, one day at VBS (Vacation Bible School). I had gone to church religiously (pun completely intended) for as long as I could remember. I can't tell you exactly what was said that day, but I knew deep in my soul that I needed God, and I didn't want to go through this life without him. I gave my heart to Him that day, and while I cannot say that I always read my Bible or pray like I should (or even go to church as regularly as I should) I know that He has been with me every step of the way. Even through the times where I forgot about Him. I recently went through one of those phases where I took Him for granted, and I felt a difference in my decisions and my mood and every aspect of my life. But now I am trying even harder to follow Christ's path for my life and do the best I can. I know that my faith does not make me perfect in any sense of the word. On the contrary, it gives me the humility and the perspective of how truly blessed I am to have a Savior that cares so much about my life and my well-being.
Phew! That was the tough one. Now to the other decision: theatre.
I know, I know. You're thinking, "A Christian? In THEATRE? Shouldn't she be working in a church or going on mission trips or something like that??" I know, it isn't the obvious choice to most people. In fact, my parents have questioned my career choice. First they expected me to use it in a church drama ministry. "Our church could use something like that!" they would say. But it didn't feel right. So then it was, "Well you could be a drama teacher!" Again...not exactly my cup of tea. I love working with kids and all...just not for eight hours a day.
I'm getting ahead of myself though. My first experience with theatre was actually a church production in which I got one of the leads. Talk about thrilling! I did several church plays here and there through elementary school. Then I got to seventh grade, where I auditioned for the advanced drama program at my school. And I got in! Ms. Marlin, my teacher, was one of the most passionate and interesting people I had ever met. She inspired me to further pursue my love of this art. In my early years I had aspirations of attending Julliard or NYU or DePaul...the big schools. And then I learned about my current program (which I will not mention here for privacy reasons). Their productions were phenomenal, and the people just seemed so passionate about their art. I knew this was where I wanted to go, and I did. I originally intended to go for Directing. And then I met Fred, our Costuming professor. I enrolled in his Costume Crafts class spring semester freshman year...and then his Costume Design class the next fall...and I was hooked. That spring I took the Advanced Design class, as well as designed a senior thesis project and was head of the wardrobe crew for a mainstage show. I knew that I would be doing this for the rest of my life.
So back to why I'm not in a church setting or teaching high school. I believe that God has a different purpose for everyone. Some are meant to be missionaries or ministers or teachers...and some are meant to be in the world as a friend for those who don't necessarily love the idea of religion or spirituality. They say the best way is to lead by example. And I feel that the best way to reach people is to be there for them. But if no one is there for those in need...if they are all too busy sitting in a church office or trying to push pamphlets into people's hands that will probably just end up in the trashcan, unread, then who will actually be there for those who need just a friend?
Okay, that post ended up being a lot longer than I thought. Trust me, not all of my posts will be like this. But I hope you enjoyed getting to know me better and knowing why I'm here :)
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